Ice-skating / Ice hockey

You have two options for this. One for the cheap-skates (spot the humour?) is the ‘3 lakes’ (Dreilinden) up in St.Georgen. This is a low cost option, as it is open to the public and skates are not required :-). However check before you go as they only allow people on if the ice is 12cm thick. And you can’t rent skates.

Second option is the proper ice-rink at Lerchenfeld (Bus no1/4). There is an indoor and outdoor rink open from October. You can rent boots, helmets, ‘zimmerframes’ for beginners, and hockey equipment. Entry is about CHF 7 for an adult and the same again for skates, so if you are going to go regularly, definitely buy a pair of boots and consider a sportpass. It could save you a lot of money over the year.  Best time to go is Sunday morning. Swiss love church, so between 8-10am is absolutely dead :-). Great time for heathens …